Saturday, August 16, 2008

Oh no - 'NOT' another diet!

Relax - 'NOT' a diet  
I'm going to show you a foolproof way of getting back to your 'Ideal Size' - NOW - The Size You Were Born To Be.  

Your Body Knows What Size It Wants To Be ... it has just lost it's way, and I'm going to show you how simple it can be to find your way 'back to balance'.

It's a wonderful feeling, once you discover that you have the power to be switched on to living a life in the body you were meant to be in.
Many times memories of negative situations stay in our mind, and eat away at us.  Although you can change your thoughts, these memories are in your subconscious, and totally out of your awareness.  That's why 'New Year Resolutions' may work for a short while but not long term.

When would - NOW - be a time to trust in your body knowing how to get back to balance - NOW!

I will share with you the secret tips used by many famous people to stay in their ideal shape.
How to switch yourself on every morning. That's right - Switch On.
How to look at real food as your friend.  Yes - I said Real Food, as opposed to (what I call) pretend food.
You will learn how to gain health by eating well, very well in fact.

Have you ever wondered why it is easier to gain weight as opposed to losing it? 
Your Brain Hates To Lose.
It prefers to gain something (anything) rather than lose something.

When you have a goal to lose weight, you know, that it is going to be about calorie counting, low fat, deprivation and an all together boring diet and life, that can only be sustained for a short while, if at all.

Imagine, that your goal  'NOW' is to Gain Health, and become SLIM.  The food choices are endless.  
You can have your cake and eat it too. YUM 

Next time I will reveal the 9 Essentials for healthy living.

Food For Thought.

till next time

love olya